More Info on the Oxy-Moron, Rush Limbaugh

Lest we forget, what Limbaugh said about Sandra Fluke wasn’t just a single slip of the tongue; as Malia Litman delineates below, it went on for several days last week and, in between ‘sincere’ apologies, he’s continued his attacks this week, even though he’s cleaned them up. Following are videos of what Fluke actually said, her comments about Limbaugh’s vile attacks, and links to other articles on the subject.

From Malia Litman’s blog, March 3, 2012:

… [P]eople from all around the country became involved by speaking out against the foul mouthed, offensive, prescription drug addict, Rush Limbaugh. It’s hard to believe that this vile excuse for a human being is the voice of the highest rated talk show in the country No wonder the country has so many challenges when the “voice” that is most often heard in America is a man who dropped out of college, abused prescription drugs, has been married four times, has no children, gets paid over $30,000,000 per year to spew his hatred, and has an estimated net worth over $400,000,000.00. People expressed their abhorrence of the comments of Mr. Rush Limbaugh regarding the testimony before Congress of Ms. Sandra Fluke, a 3rd year law student at Georgetown University.

Here is an account of the long list of quotes of Limbaugh regarding Ms. Fluke:

• “What does it say about the college coed Susan Fluke … who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex? What does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex.”

• “She’s having so much sex, it’s amazing she can still walk”

• “Ms. Fluke, have you ever heard of not having sex?”

• “So Ms. Fluke, and the rest of you Feminazis, here’s the deal. If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex, we want something for it. We want you post the videos online so we can all watch.”

• “I will happily buy Sandra Fluke all the aspirin she wants. … I will buy all of the women at Georgetown University as much aspirin to put between their knees as they want.”

• In response to a caller’s claim that for $5 his girlfriend can get a month’s worth of birth control at Wal-Mart: “That makes PMS almost worth it.”

• “She wanted to go there [Georgetown law] to stir it up. She was an anti-Catholic plant from the get-go on this”

• “This is flat-out thievery. It’s outright ridiculous that tax payers should pay for the personal sexual desires and habits of everybody, including women at Georgetown Law.”

• In a baby voice, mocking a cry: “I’m going broke having sex, I need the government to provide me condoms and contraceptives. It’s not fair.”

• “Who bought your condoms in junior high? Who bought your condoms in the sixth grade? Or your contraception? Who bought your contraceptive pills in high school?”

• “[She is] a woman who is happily presenting herself as an immoral, baseless, no-purpose-to-her life woman. She wants all the sex in the world whenever she wants it, all the time, no consequences. No responsibility for her behavior.”

• “It’s just a new welfare program. And ‘welfare’ is a bad word, and they can’t use it. They can’t sell it. So now it’s disguised—welfare disguised as women’s health. Or women’s reproductive rights.”

• “Can you imagine if you’re her parents, how proud of Sandra Fluke you would be? Your daughter goes up to a congressional hearing conducted by the Botox-filled Nancy Pelosi and testifies she’s having so much sex she can’t afford her own birth control pills and she agrees that Obama should provide them.”

Read the rest here.

Sandra Fluke responds to Limbaugh’s nasty attacks on The View:

Sandra Fluke’s opening statement to Congress that Limbaugh lied about:

Lawyer: Fluke could ‘definitely’ sue Limbaugh for slander

By Stephen G. Webster
The Raw Story
March 6. 2012

An attorney says that Georgetown law School student Sandra Fluke could “definitely” sue Republican talk show host Rush Limbaugh for slander because she does not fit the legal definition of a public figure. On his radio show last week, Limbaugh called Fluke a “slut,” a “prostitute” and demanded that she publish “sex tapes” online in exchange for access to contraception coverage through her private insurance policy.

Read the rest here.

In case you’d like to let Limbaugh’s syndicator know how you feel, here’s Clear Channel’s email:

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The Importance of Punctuation Illustrated, Again…

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Rush Limbaugh’s War on Women

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Signs o’ the Times for March 5, 2012 — the War on Women

1. Can there now be any doubt this is true?

2. The real ‘feminazis’ are those who get in line and take abuse from the Limbaugh’s of the world instead of fighting for their rights.

3. If Rush or one of his Dittohead disciples were subjected to the kind of nasty insults he hurls around daily on his radio show, they wouldn’t be laughing.

4. Rush has claimed to be a ‘family values’ Christian. Is his denigrating BS against women what a ‘family values’ Christian finds funny these days?

5. Unfortunately for our country, this applies to about 25 to 30 percent of the electorate.

6. Figures the execrable Mitt Romney would be involved in this Limbaugh fracas somehow.

Posted in 1 Percent, 2012 Election, Christopublicans, Conservatives, Corruption, Humor, Idiots, Media, Politics, Religion, Republicans, Teabaggers, Wall Street, Wingnuts | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Today’s Music: The Rolling Stones: “Can’t You Hear Me Knocking?”

A Stones classic that gives full play to Keith Richards’ signature ‘open-G’ tuning (D-G-D-G-B-G instead of the standard E-A-D-G-B-E tuning with the chords mainly barred on the lower five strings), and the kind of tune you don’t hear much in rock music anymore — it flows from hard rocker to jazz and back to rock without a hiccup. Fine musicianship by all — especially Richards and Mick Taylor on the guitars, Rocky Dijon on the congas, and Bobby Keys on the sax — and rumor has it at least one band member wanted to retake the cut because of a minor blooper in the guitar solo, but he was outvoted — the other Stones didn’t think they could get a better cut. Also, according to Richards and Taylor, the jazzy end part was a jam that was not originally intended as part of the song — the band just kept playing after they were supposed to stop, the tape kept rolling, and the whole thing was recorded in one take. From the 1971 album “Sticky Fingers”, here is the ‘one-take wonder,’ “Can’t You Hear Me Knocking?”

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GOP: Do Unto Others…Unless They’re Women

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Signs o’ the Times for March 4, 2012

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Today’s Quote: Physicist Says We Are All Stardust

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Sunday Sermon in Cartoons for March 4, 2012

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Today’s ‘Music’: Worst Gospel Singer Ever

Sweet Jesus — and he modulates, too! WARNING: turn down your speakers a little.

H/T to Mike Anderson

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