Today’s ‘Music’: A Santorum Campaign Song

It might be nice if any of this nonsense was true, but it isn’t. Republican theocrat Rick Santorum got his knowledge of the Constitution at the end of a nun’s ruler, and he doesn’t seem to understand that this country was founded as a secular democratic republic, not, as he contends, a ‘Christian nation.’ When these two young women singing in the video grow up, I wonder if they’ll vote to make themselves ignorant second-class citizens just because of their gender; uneducated baby-making machines for some dumb fuck man like daddy, featured here playing bass.

Santorum Campaign song “Game On: Rick Santorum is Our Man” written and performed by One Love. BTW, since they’re singing the praises of Ronnie Reagan, here’s what he had to say about mixing church and state.

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Cartoons: Limbaugh in Limbo

H/T to

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The Marriages of Rush Limbaugh in Two Panels

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Cartoons: Contraceptually Speaking…

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45 Advertisers Have Now Dumped Limbaugh…

… and El Rushbo, in a demonstration of ‘thou doth protest too much’ and typical empty bravado, dismisses this mass exodus as nothing, a “couple of french fries” missing from the bag. This is the same blowhard who just a few days ago was denying any sponsors had left his show, although more than 20 had cancelled. Hint to Limbaugh: radio stations around the country are not going to hang onto a three-hour daily talk show they can’t sell ad time on and I can’t think of what company would want its name associated with Limbaugh’s seedy little show at this point. Good riddance, Rush — you’re just another victim of the ‘free market’. See you on Fox Business Network soon, a channel nobody ever watches, including me.

Rush Limbaugh: Loss of Ads Amounts to “A Couple of French Fries”

by Third Age
March 8, 2012

The flight of advertisers from “The Rush Limbaugh Show” continued Wednesday, with a total of 45 national and local companies pulling their spots, according to the liberal activist groups angered by the talk radio host for calling Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke a “slut” and a “prostitute.”

Read the rest here.

Rush Limbaugh: Over 40 Advertisers Flee, Host Says ‘Everything’s Cool’

by Amy Bingham
ABC News
March 7, 2012

Talk show host Rush Limbaugh sought to reassure listeners Wednesday after the tally of local and national companies that have pulled their advertisements from his time slot topped 40, insisting that the show will go on and that the program is not losing revenue from the exodus.

Read the rest here.

Who’s Advertising On Rush Limbaugh?

by Media Matters staff
Media Matters
March 05, 2012

Media Matters has compiled the following list of companies advertising on The Rush Limbaugh Show as compiled from the program’s WABC airing, as well as companies who have announced that they will no longer advertise on the show in the wake of his misogynistic attacks on Sandra Fluke. As many stations that carry the show air ads from local companies, this list should not be considered comprehensive.


Read the rest here.

Posted in 1 Percent, 2012 Election, Cartoon, Conservatives, Corporations, Corruption, Humor, Idiots, Media, Religion, Republicans, Teabaggers, Uncategorized, Wingnuts | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Today’s Music: George Benson, ‘Willow Weep for Me’

Mighty smart and tasty guitar work by Mr. Benson on this old jazz warhorse.

H/T to Mat Wilson.

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Signs o’ the Times: Thank You, Rush!

1. In the same way that Junior Bush nearly destroyed the GOP as our Worst President Ever, Rushbo’s flapping jaw just might complete the job.

2. Those would be Republican men.

3. Republicans know who they’re fighting for, and it isn’t you.

4. The more things change, the more they stay the same…

5. Since this was posted on Facebook, most of these advertisers have pulled their ads off of Limbaugh’s show.

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Today’s Quotes: Limbaugh’s 70 Sexist Smears and George F. Will

From ThinkProgress, here are seventy of Mr. Gasbag’s most offensively sexist quotes — of course, the ones concerning Sandra Fluke are complete lies (see the video of her testimony here), apparently invented by Limbaugh just so he could call her a ‘slut’ and ‘prostitute’ and speciously speculate on her private life. One question, off topic: look at this video and notice the striped shirts he’s wearing; why does Limbaugh dress like a 12-year-old boy from the 1950s half the time? Oh, wait, maybe it’s because he thinks like one.

I’m no fan of George ‘Eff’ Will, but he managed to get it right here, referring to the current field of GOP candidates (except Ron Paul) refusing to criticize Rush Limbaugh:

“They want to bomb Iran, but they’re afraid of Rush Limbaugh.”
— George F. Will on ABC’s This Week, March 4, 2012, via ThinkProgress.

See the video:

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Rush the Magic Dragon

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Update: 34 Advertisers Have Now Dropped Limbaugh

Think Progress reports that 34 advertisers have now cancelled their advertising on ‘The Rush Limbaugh Show’ yet Godzilla continues to dig himself a deeper hole with comments like this: “What is it with all of these young, single, white women, overeducated — doesn’t mean intelligent.” Yeah, thanks for memories, Rush — or not.

Limbaugh’s death wish is mirroring the Republican Party’s in general — Rush apparently believes he can find new advertisers to replace the national brands that have abandoned him. just as the Republicans, as their party shrinks, seem to think they can discover new voters to replace all the groups they’ve offended. They’re both over-the-edge, break-out-the-straight-jacket, foaming-mouth mad.

The Progress Report

UPDATE: 30+ Advertisers Flee Limbaugh

By ThinkProgress War Room
Mar 6, 2012

Undeterred by Fleeing Advertisers, Limbaugh Continues Sexist Attacks Today

As we wrapped yesterday’s Progress Report, the number of advertisers bailing on Rush Limbaugh’s show in the wake of the growing furor around his vitriolic, sexist attacks on Sandra Fluke totaled 12. As of right now, nearly triple that number of advertisers have announced plans to drop advertising on the show.

Those leaving today range from majors brands like Capital One and J.C. Penney to a local energy company in Maine, Downeast Energy. Another major brand, Netflix, also dropped its advertising today after receiving more than 160,000 petitions gathered by UltraViolet.

The current number of advertisers telling Rush Limbaugh enough is enough stands at 34.

Check out our Pinterest board for a look at those who have stood up to Limbaugh’s outrageous views on women.

Limbaugh Bemoans Uppity Overeducated White Women

On today’s show, Limbaugh did not back off his sexist attacks. As noted by ThinkProgress’ Alex Seitz-Wald, during a lengthy screed against a new book on the American food system by author Tracie McMillan, Limbaugh asked, “What is it with all of these young, single, white women, overeducated — doesn’t mean intelligent.”

SIGN HERE: Stand With Sandra Fluke

If you haven’t yet taken the opportunity to do so, please sign our petition to send the message that enough is enough and that you stand with Sandra Fluke.

See the article for full links.

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