Cartoons: 1 Percenters on Parade

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Mitt Romney: Heaven or Hell?

As it must come to us all, Mitt Romney eventually passes away. Moments later, his soul arrives in heaven and is met by St. Peter at the Pearly Gates.

“Welcome to heaven,” says St. Peter. “Before you settle in, it seems there is a problem. We seldom see a wealthy man such as yourself around these parts, so we’re not sure what to do with you.”

“No problem, just let me in,” says Romney. “I’m wearing my magic underpants!”

“Uh, please leave your underwear out of this conversation. All right, I just received orders from on high: what we’ll do is have you spend one day of Earth time in hell and one in heaven. Then you can choose where to spend eternity.”

“Really? Wow! Well, I’ve made up my mind. I want to be in heaven,” says Romney with something near enthusiasm.

“I’m sorry, but I have to follow my orders.”

And with that, St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and sends Mitt down, down, down to hell.

The doors open and he finds himself in the middle of a gorgeous golf course on a beautiful sunny day.

In the distance is a clubhouse and standing in front of it are all the friends, politicians and sports team owners he had known in life. Everyone is very happy and wearing evening dress. They run to greet him, shake his hand, and reminisce about the good times they had back on Earth, while getting rich at the expense of the suckers.

The group took Mitt into the country club’s five-star restaurant where they dined on lobster, caviar and the finest champagne. Also present was the Devil, who Mitt is surprised to discover is a very kind, charming gentleman, full of humor and affability — definitely one of Mitt’s social class.

They are all having such a good time that before Romney realizes it, it is time to go. Everyone gives him a hearty farewell and waves while the elevator rises, shouting they hope Mitt will decide to come back and join them.

The elevator goes up, up, up and the door reopens in heaven where St. Peter is waiting for him, “Now it’s time to visit heaven…”

Then a day of Earth time passed with Romney amid a group of joyful souls laughing, singing and playing music together, but uptight Mitt feels uncomfortable around these peace-and-love hippies. The food is good and plentiful, but not exactly lobster and caviar; the clothing comfortable, but not haute couture, and there are no servants. He is just an average man up here, his wealth meaningless, and his old Republican Party pals are nowhere to be found. Mitt has a terrible time as the 24-hours grind by until St. Peter returns.

“Well, you’ve spent a day in hell and a day in heaven. Now you must choose where you will spend eternity.”

Romney reflects for a minute, then answers: “Gee, I never thought I would say this — I mean heaven has been okay — but I think I would be better off in hell.”

So, St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to hell…

The doors of the elevator open and he’s in the middle of a barren land covered with stinking garbage. Romney is shocked to see all of his old friends from the GOP and Bain Capital, and even sports team owners, dirty and dressed in rags, moaning in misery, picking up the reeking trash and putting it in black bags as more trash falls to the ground faster than they can pick it up.

The Devil comes over to him and puts his arm around his shoulders.

“I don’t understand,” stammers Mitt. “Yesterday I was here and there was a beautiful golf course and luxurious country club, and we ate lobster and caviar, and drank champagne, and had a wonderful time. Now there’s just a wasteland full of garbage and my friends are groaning in misery. What the heck happened?”

The Devil smiles at him and says, “Yesterday we were campaigning. Today, you voted.”

To which Romney replies with a knowing grin, “Look, I’m really rich — how much will it cost me get back to heaven?”

Posted in 1 Percent, 2012 Election, Christopublicans, Conservatives, Humor, Idiots, Politics, Religion, Republicans | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Like the Titanic, Rush Goes Down in April

Posted in 2012 Election, Cartoon, Christopublicans, Collagatorial, Conservatives, Corruption, Humor, Idiots, Media, Republicans, Teabaggers, Video, Wingnuts | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Over 140 Major Advertisers Dump Rush; Right-Wing Talk ‘Tower of Babble’ Crumbling

I can’t recall a more complete and quick exodus of major national advertisers from any media personality’s show than that from Rush Limbaugh’s daily three hours of broadcast skunk urine. In the past few weeks, Rush has lost all of his major national advertisers and some locals, and cheapjack online dating sites are not going to pay the bills. Limbaugh’s cavalier attitude notwithstanding — it’s nothing, a couple of fries lost from a large container — his multi-million dollar contract is paid from those ‘couple of fries’ like Ford, GM, Toyota, Sears and other brand names who shell out big bucks to advertise on Premiere Radio Networks, Rush’s employer. Now all of those major brands have asked their ads not be run on any controversial radio talk show, so that would include not only Rush, but his regressive radioland buddies like Michael Savage, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly. Seems like Limbaugh really could bring down the right-wing radio Tower of Babble. Hoo-frickin’-ray!

EXCLUSIVE: 140 Companies Drop Advertising From Rush Limbaugh [Update: 142]

By Judd Legum
Mar 12, 2012

ThinkProgress has obtained an internal memo from Premiere Radio Networks listing 96 national companies that have “specifically asked” their advertisments not be played during the Rush Limbaugh Show. Premiere is the distributor of Limbaugh’s program. The advertisers have also requested to be excluded from other right-wing hosts including Michael Savage, Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity. According to the memo, the listed companies’ advertisements should be excluded from these programs because they have been “deemed to be offensive.”

The existence of the memo was first reported over the weekend by, an industry newsletter. Radio-info did not publish the full list of companies. The memo was posted website of the Traffic Directors Guild of America, an association of professionals who distribute paid advertisements to radio stations. It was quickly deleted but ThinkProgress obtained a copy from a Google snapshot of the site taken on March 9.

Previously, ThinkProgress has reported that 50 companies requested their advertising be pulled from the Rush Limbaugh show following his sexist attacks on Sandra Fluke. The publication of the memo adds an additional 90 companies to the list of companies that have dropped Limbaugh:

21st Century Insurance • • Rite Aid • Ace Hardware • Honda • Robitussin • Acura • IBM • Sam Adams • Advance Auto Parts • Icy Hot • Sam’s Club • Advil (All products) • Intuit/Small Business • Schiff – Digestive Advantage • Alacer/Emergen-C • Schiff – Mega Red • Allegra (all products) • Johnson & Johnson (All Brands) • Schiff – Move Free • Kohl’s • Schiff – Sustenex • Ally Bank • La Quinta • Scotts Miracle-Gro (all products) • American Express • Lifetime • Autozone • Little Caesars • Sony • Lowe’s • State Farm • British Petroleum • Luxottica • Staples • Bullfrog Sunblock • Macy’s • Sterling/Kay Jared Jewelers • Caltrate • MasterCard • Subway • Centrum • McDonalds • Takeda Uloric • Chapstick • Midas • The Home Depot • Clorox (Pinesol/Homecare) • Napa Auto Parts • ThermaCare • Cortizone • National Realtor • Toyota • DeVry • NBC-TV • Discover Card • Office Depot • Twinings of London • Domino’s Pizza • Office Max • Tyson/Wright Brand Bacon • Exxon/Exxon Mobil • One Main Financial • Unisom • Farmers Insurance • United Healthcare • Ford • Orkin • U.S. Army • Outback • U. S. Postal Service • General Motors (All products -GM Certified Service • Chevy • Onstar • Cadillac • etc) • Preparation H • Visa • Gold Bond (all products • ProNutrients (all products) • Walgreens • Grainger • Progressive Insurance • Wal-Mart • Green Mountain Coffee • Prudential • Wells Fargo • Hallmark • Radio Shack • Wrigley • H&R Block • Rent-A-Center • Yahoo!

Check out all 140 companies (plus their statements, when available) on our Pinterest.

You can view a copy of the memo below:

Premiere Networks List Of Advertisers Asking Not To Advertise On Limbaugh And Other Right-Wing Hosts

Read more here.

Copyyright 2012 ThinkProgress and Judd Legum.

Art by Mario Piperni.

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Take Action: Rush Limbaugh Should Be Removed from the Armed Forces Radio Schedule

We all pay for AFRTS (Armed Forces Radio and Television Service, an arm of the Dept. of Defense), and most taxpayers don’t endorse Rush Limbaugh’s worldview. Call or email AFRTS, and your senators and Congressional representative, and let them know you don’t want your tax dollars going to pay for a radio service that carries Limbaugh’s show and you’d like him removed from the AFRTS schedule. (Try to be polite.) Here’s the contact info for AFRTS:


Radio and Television Program Inquiries Armed Forces Network:
Plans and Policy Inquiries: 301-222-6496


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No Wonder Vets Like Republicans

Look at this smarmy propaganda video for Junior Bush via Fox News and carried on a website, Armed Forces Radio, which could easily be confused with the actual Armed Forces radio website, that all taxpayers, even those who didn’t agree with Bush’s wars, pay for. Look at Bush’s reaction when he’s asked if he feels responsible for the lifelong injuries sustained by these guys based on his lies about Iraq — no, he doesn’t care; hey, they’re volunteers! Also note the video is sponsored by something called “OmniChristianVids3” — WTF? Don’t they realize all Americans, even atheists and agnostics, pay for and serve in the armed forces, not just Christians?

Posted in 2012 Election, Christopublicans, Conservatives, Idiots, Religion, Republicans, Video, Wingnuts, WTF? | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Cartoons from the Great Depression: the More Things Change…

Posted in 2012 Election, Bizarre But Real, Cartoon, Conservatives, Democrats, Economy, Humor, Obama, Politics, Republicans, Wall Street | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

More Weird Pix for March 14, 2012

1. Tha ambiguously gay duo of comic books? (Or is that Batman and Robin?)

2. No doubt the grown-up Archie would buy this ridiculous album, unless ‘ambiguously’ and the question mark are removed from the item above.

3. No one sane ever thought this looked good, not even in the crappy Me Generation ’70s:

4. Ha, ha, this was the reality, not “Leave It to Beaver”:

5. Real Columbia Records ad, circa late ’50s, early ’60s. They were intended to be a comedy act, ala Bill Murray’s lounge singer bit on SNL, but many in those days didn’t get the joke:

Posted in Bizarre But Real, Cartoon, Humor, Idiots, Weird Photo, WTF? | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Today’s Music: Donovan “Catch the Wind”

Donovan (b. Donovan Leitch), the Scottish folk musician who was once called ‘Britain’s answer to Bob Dylan’ never had quite the impact of The Man from Hibbing, but he was a good singer, guitar player and songwriter. For a time there in the ‘60s after “Catch the Wind” came out, any assemblage of talented stoners with acoustic guitars first showed off their chops by playing things like “Don’t Think Twice, It’s Alright” and The Beatles’ “Blackbird,” but there was always at least one finger-picker in the crowd who’d launch into this tune. To see what Donovan’s up to these days, go here.

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Mommy the Pole Dancer?

The first-grade class was given a homework assignment by their teacher: draw a picture of what your Mom or Dad does for a living. This is the drawing that one adorable tyke turned in:

The mother later sent a note to the teacher:

Dear Ms. Jones,

I wish to clarify that I am not now, nor have I ever been, an exotic dancer.

I work at Home Depot and I told my daughter how hectic it was last week before the blizzard hit. I told her we sold out every single shovel we had, and then I found one more in the back room, and that several people were fighting over who would get it. Her picture doesn’t show me dancing around a pole. It’s supposed to depict me selling the last snow shovel we had at Home Depot.

From now on I will remember to check her homework more thoroughly before she turns it in.


Mrs. Smith

H/T to Hippie Peace Freaks.

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