Today’s Music: Wes Montgomery, “Four on Six” (1965)

What, you say you’ve never heard of Wes Montgomery, a major influence on jazz, rock and blues guitarists that they all copy to some degree, even if unwittingly? Time you did something about that — read here while you listen to the music.

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Cartoons: Chickens for Col. Sanders

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Today’s Quotes: Buddha and Alex Shakar on Belief and Our Post-Ironic Culture

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Video: Everybody Needs an Intermission…

However, if you want any food, you’re going to have to make it yourself. A drive-in movie “Intermission Time” trailer from the 1950s:

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Signs o’ the Times: Real Words and Luntz Words

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Frank Luntz: GOP Word Turd

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Video: GOP Pols in Action Using Luntz’s Talking Points

Frank Luntz is, more than any other political operative save perhaps Karl Rove, responsible for the deep divisions in American politics caused by the various outright lies and crapola euphemisms he has cooked up to sway large parts of the American public, and the US media, into believing things that are not true, or to question the truth of scientific evidence or common sense.  If Frank can create any confusion or doubt, say about something like global warming or Obama’s health care reform, his side wins, and his side are the corporate and political perpetrators profiting from the crime.  Luntz’s various ‘frames’ have dominated Republican language for two decades now, and you hear his words emanate from every GOP talking head in the media. Essentially, he has turned the GOP into a party of emotionalized talking points instead of workable policies, all with the tacit aim of making the rich richer at everyone else’s expense.  Although he styles himself as a ‘pollster,’ Luntz is much more than that — he is nothing less than the Republican Party’s Joseph Goebbels with approximately the same goals. Read the excerpt below and watch the video, but make sure to read the entire piece.

Watch how Frank Luntz, the guy who lies for a living, manipulates the public

From ‘STOP Framing’
Jan. 2012

Who is Frank Luntz? Briefly, he is the guy responsible for crafting specific language that is intended to guide our thinking in a certain direction. This language is then repeated over and over on Fox news and other corporately controlled media outlets until others start repeating it and it becomes common knowledge. This is what is called framing, in a nutshell, and works similar to schemas in psychology.

To see Frank “The Liar” Luntz’s work in action, check out the frame he created to direct our attention away from providing health care to our citizens in favor of thinking that this type of legislation would allow Government to stand between you and your doctor. (which is precisely what insurance companies do)

Read the rest here.

Copyright 2012 STOP Framing

For further info, also read this:

How Republicans are being taught to talk about Occupy Wall Street
— Chris Moody, The Ticket, Yahoo News, Dec. 1, 2011.

‘Frank Luntz’ entry on

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The Tattlesnake: Frank Luntz is a Scum-Sucking Pig Edition

(Reprinted from my 2009 Tattlesnake post at Bartblog and The Tattlesnake blog.)

The Tattlesnake – Frank Luntz is a Scum-Sucking Pig Edition

RS Janes
November 21, 2009

With apologies to our porcine friends who also happen to suck scum, but don’t have much influence on the electorate.

“[A]sk a question in the way that you get the right answer.”
— Frank Luntz on his ‘fair and balanced’ polling methods.

While some readers may chastise me for gross understatement in my title, and I take their point, I decided to keep this clean, or as clean as you can when describing the contents of the sole working Port-O-Potty on free chili and beer night at a baseball game.

What makes Republican word-whacker Frank Luntz my target is that he is an intentional and dedicated deceiver of the public, smart enough to know full well what he’s doing, but blithely willing to trot out his wares — borrowed from the misuse of modern psychological techniques to sell the gullible what they don’t need joined with a carnival conman’s shell game pitch — for the temporary benefit of his bank account, while his country slides into a wreckage of divisiveness and debt. If you’d like to find the home base for the decimation of our public speech into ignorant, inflamed, fearful, flag-draped hatred; the revision of our history into a reeking bonanza of selfish suicidal capitalism, evangelical Christian crapola and nasty neoconservative warhawk bilge; and the reduction of our political discourse into so much overheated, oversimplified, covertly racist, sound-bite slag, you can point to three names: the late Lee Atwater, Karl Rove, and the lesser-known, but every bit as important, Frank Luntz as the authors of the meltdown in progress.

“Luntz is glibly amoral, worrying only about whether language has the right effect, not whether it’s true.”
— Steven Poole, commenting on Luntz’s book “Words That Work” in The Guardian (UK), July 21, 2007.

It was Frank’s notion to rename a bill allowing more pollution as the ‘Clean Air Act’; it was Luntz who told the GOP to re-label estate taxes as ‘death taxes’ so that the wealthy paid less while the rest of us took up the slack; it was his demented mind that connected Iraq to 9/11 and instructed Republican pols to always preface any mention of the failed Iraq incursion with ‘9/11 changed everything’; behind nearly every current and past GOP talking point, endlessly repeated in the Right-Wing Echo Chamber, you’ll find Frank’s pasty round face, tirelessly choosing just the right words to convince a malleable faction of the American public to eat corporate Republican turds and think it’s prime rib.

“While the televised Luntz often displays a disarming sense of humor, is reasonably affable and self-effacing, he is also self-righteous and an endless supplier of disingenuous blather. Watching him in action is to recognize a master of style over substance; emotion trumps fact.”
Bill Berkowitz, “The Frank Luntz Effect: Spraying Perfume on Dog Turds,” Smirking Chimp, Aug. 31, 2007.

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From the Frank Luntz Playbook: Fourteen Words Republicans Should Never Use

From the man responsible for conjuring up scary ‘Death Panels’ for routine end of life counseling and shamelessly casting a bill that would increase pollution as a ‘Clean Air Act,’ here are more of his misleading and false ‘frames’ that the Republicans, to this date, continue to mimic. This is how the nasty rat-parts Republican sausage has been made for over twenty years. (Excerpted from Luntz’s official playbook; read the rest here):


Sometimes it is not what you say that matters but what you don’t say. Other times a single word or phrase can undermine or destroy the credibility of a paragraph or entire presentation. This memo was originally prepared exclusively for Congressional spouses because they are your eyes and ears, a one-person reality check and truth squad combined. However, by popular demand, I have included and expanded that document because effectively communicating requires you to STOP saying words and phrases that undermine your ability to educate the American people.

So from today forward, YOU are the language police. From today forward, these are the words never to say again.

1. Government – Washington

NEVER SAY: Government
INSTEAD SAY: Washington

The fact is, most Americans appreciate their local government that picks up their trash, cleans their streets, and provides police and transportation services. Washington is the problem. Remind voters again and again about Washington spending, Washington waste, Washington taxation, Washington bureaucracy, Washington rules and Washington regulations. Then remind voters that if Washington created this mess, it is

Washington’s responsibility to fix it. “If we expect to succee4 we must look to ourselves and not to Washington to raise our kids, start our businesses and improve our day-to-day lives.” If you must talk about government, use the context defined by President Bush: “Government should help people improve their lives) not try to run their lives.

2. Privatization/Private Accounts – Personalization/Personal Accounts

NEVER SAY: Privatization/Private Accounts
INSTEAD SAY: Personalization/Personal Accounts

Many more Americans would “personalize” Social Security than “privatize” it. In fact, two-thirds of America want to personalize Social Security while only one-third would privatize it. Why? Personalizing Social Security suggests ownership and control over your retirement savings, while privatizing it suggests a profit motive and winners and losers, BANISH PRIVATIZATION FROM YOUR LEXICON.

3. Tax Reform – Tax Simplification

NEVER SAY: Tax Reform
INSTEAD SAY: Tax Simplification

While a majority of Americans are generally in favor of tax reform, one-third of the population fears that they would end up paying more in taxes if the tax code was in fact reformed. However, almost all Americans believe they would personally benefit from a tax code that was simplified — in terms of money they owe, time they spend and anxiety about the IRS. When more Americans fear the IRS than root-canal surgery, something should be done to simplify the tax code.

4. Inheritance/Estate Tax – The Death Tax

NEVER SAY: Inheritance/Estate Tax
INSTEAD SAY: The Death Tax

While a sizeable 68% of America thinks the Inheritance/Estate Tax is unfair, fully 78% think that the Death Tax is unfair. And while a narrow majority would repeal the inheritance/estate tax, an overwhelming majority would repeal the death tax. If you want to kill the estate tax, call it a death tax.

5. A Global Economy/Globalization/Capitalism – Free Market Economy

NEVER SAY: Global Economy/Globalization/Capitalism
INSTEAD SAY: Free Market Economy

More Americans are afraid of the principle of globalization than even privatization. The reason? Globalization represents something big, something distant and something foreiwi. it.s the same reason why Americans like their local government but dislike Washington — the closer you are, the more control you have. So instead of talking about the principles of globalization, instead emphasize “the value and benefits of a free market economy.” Similarly, capitalism reminds people of harsh economic competition that yields losers as well as winners. Conversely, the free market economy provides opportunity to all and allows everyone to succeed.

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Today’s Music: The Who Live, “Won’t Get Fooled Again”

In keeping with today’s theme, here’s The Who’s take on it all. I don’t usually like big arena power-chord rock bands, but you have to credit these guys for their sheer energy and ‘sweat equity’ on stage, and the fact that they substantially invented heavy metal, for better or worse. Oh, and the music’s not bad, either.

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