Today’s Quotes: Trump without the ‘T’

“I’ve been known to be a very smart guy for a very long time.”
— Donald Trump on CNBC recently, patting himself on the back since no one else will.

“I’m smart! Not like everybody says… like dumb… I’m smart and I want respect!”
— Fredo Corleone, from the film, “The Godfather: Part II.”

“I do not understand the cost benefit here. The costs are clear. The benefit — what voter is gonna vote for him [Romney] because he is seen with Donald Trump? The cost of appearing with this bloviating ignoramus is obvious it seems to me…. Donald Trump is redundant evidence that if your net worth is high enough, your IQ can be very low and you can still intrude into American politics.”
— George F. Will, conservative Republican Reaganite, on ABC’s This Week, May 27, 2012.

“Most marks come from the upper strata of society, which, in America, means that they have made, married, or inherited money. Because of this, they acquire status which in time they come to attribute to some inherent superiority, especially as regards matters of sound judgment in finance and investment. Friends and associates, themselves social climbers and sycophants, help to maintain this illusion of superiority. Eventually, the mark comes to regard himself as a person of vision and even of genius. Thus a Babbitt who has cleared half a million in a real-estate development easily forgets the part which luck and chicanery have played in his financial rise; he accepts this mantle of respectability without question; he naively attributes his success to sound business judgment. And any confidence man will testify that a real-estate man is the fattest and juiciest of suckers.”
Excerpt from “The Big Con: The Story of the Confidence Man” by David W. Maurer, published in 1940, (pgs.103-4).

“I’m not a schmuck. Even if the world goes to hell in a handbasket, I won’t lose a penny.”
— Donald Trump. [No, but the banks who own you will.]

“Stupid people are ruining America.”
— Herman Cain, erstwhile GOP presidential candidate.

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The Business Ethics of Donald Trump Illustrated

At various times, Donald Trump has claimed to be worth anywhere from $2 billion to $6 billion but don’t believe it — he’s the perfect example of the quote by wealthy oilman J. Paul Getty, “If you owe the bank $100 that’s your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that’s the bank’s problem.” As David Cay Johnston points out, it’s immaterial what Trump says he’s worth if he owes more than his assets, and he always owes more than his assets, but makes deals with his bankers to allow him to live high on the hog — his false front of wealth helps bring in money to pay them back. The only thing Trump has ever really been good at is self-promotion, kick-started by high-priced PR flacks and an indolent media willing to elevate this cartoonish oaf to the status of ‘national icon of wealth’ based on his press releases and public boasting.  In fact, most of Trump’s ‘assets’ have lost money, and he’s had businesses, buildings, yachts and homes confiscated in bankruptcy judgments, but thanks to our goggle-eyed celebrity ‘journalism,’ most of America laughably thinks he’s a success in business.  (A perfect modern Republican.)  As a prefers-to-remain-anonymous Wall Street insider once said of the man who has referred to himself as ‘The Donald,’ “In any well-run corporation where you wanted to turn a profit, the first person you’d fire would be Trump.” It’s a testament to Mitt Romney’s vapidity and ill-suitedness for the presidency that he would tie himself to this farcical fraud. (Note: This cartoon is a reprint from last year, but the info is still pertinent, except that Obama did release his long-form birth certificate while Trump’s tax records remain hidden.)

Posted in 1 Percent, 2012 Election, Bizarre But Real, Cartoon, Conservatives, Corporations, Corruption, Economy, Humor, Idiots, Media, Obama, Quotes, Republicans, Romney, Teabaggers, Wall Street, Wingnuts, WTF? | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

BTW, Where Was ‘The Donald’ Born?

Was Donald Trump Born in Jamaica, South Africa or Mexico?

by RS Janes
(updated from a 2011 post)

Now there seems to be some question about Donald Trump’s birthplace. (That those questions were apparently invented out of thin air, possibly for humorous reasons, is of no consequence.) As we know from the example of the right-wring media, any question involving your place of birth must be answered by a slew of legal documents which they will then reject as forgeries and demand more, just as Trump, to goose up his pathetic TV show’s ratings with a presidential bid, is demanding that Obama release his ‘long form’ birth certificate since the short form, adequate for obtaining a US passport or entering the military, just isn’t enough for the blubbery mass of ham and ego some call “The Donald.”

Consider this: Not one person at the Jamaica, New York, hospital where Trump claims to have been born remembers his birth, as far as I care to find out. Aside from that, Trump’s alleged ‘real’ birth certificate doesn’t specify it is a hospital in Jamaica ‘New York’ — it simply says “The Jamaica Hospital.” What is Trump trying to pull here, MON? Was he born in de islands and smuggled into dis country?
And where are the contemporaneous 1946 newspaper birth announcements for the baby Donald? Obama has provided two; Trump has provided zero. And look closely at the signatures of the hospital administrator and attending physician — are we to believe Walt Disney was running Jamaica Hospital in 1946 and a ‘Dr. John E. Conqueroo M.D.’ delivered Donald Trump?

Below, Dr. Kevin Rooney, a birth certificate expert and well-respected forensic doctor simply because I want him to be one, makes a compelling argument that Trump was born in South Africa and didn’t enter the United States until he was 15. (Just ask yourself: do you know of anyone who saw Trump in this country as a child?)

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Video: For Cheap Publicity, Trump Peddles Birther Nonsense Again

…and even Wolf Blitzkrieg thinks he’s ridiculous. Put the equation this way: Proof that Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961: short- and long-form birth certificates, two newspaper notices of the birth, and dozens of Hawaii state officials, including former Gov. Linda Lingle, a Republican, have certified the birth certificate as genuine. Proof supporting Trump’s side: Nothing, nada, zip and zero. (Hey, Donald, what happened to the private investigators you hired to find the ‘truth’?) Of course, that won’t stop Publicity Whore Trump from milking this non-issue for all the airtime he can get.

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Today’s Music: Benny Goodman, Charlie Christian Two-Fer, “Solo Flight” and “The World is Waiting for the Sunrise” (1941)

Today is Benny Goodman’s birthday (b. 1909; d. 1986). The cut below features both the Benny Goodman Orchestra and the Benny Goodman Quartet with Charlie Christian. Benny wasn’t known as the “King of Swing” for nothing, and Charlie is the founding father, along with Django Reinhardt, of modern jazz guitar. Some younger musicians dismiss the jazz of the ’30s and ’40s as the music of their parents or grandparents — they don’t know what they’re missing and it laid the foundation for rock and roll.

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Mitt Romney: The ‘Regular Guy’

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Video: Bill Maher on Mitt Romney the Wifer

A perfect satire on the Birther madness.

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Today’s Quotes: This and That, But Mostly This

“It is not the function of the government to relieve individuals of their responsibilities to their neighbors, or to relieve private institutions of their responsibilities to the public.”
— Republican President Herbert Hoover in the depths of the Great Depression.

“We insist that labor is entitled to as much respect as property. But our workers with hand and brain deserve more than respect for their labor. They deserve practical protection in the opportunity to use their labor at a return adequate to support them at a decent and constantly rising standard of living, and to accumulate a margin of security against the inevitable vicissitudes of life. ”
— President Franklin D. Roosevelt, fireside chat, 1936.

“The highest use of capital is not to make more money, but to make money do more for the betterment of life.”
— Arthur Godfrey, the TV host, of all people.

“I pity the man who wants a coat so cheap that the man or woman who produces the cloth will starve in the process.”
— Benjamin Harrison, a Republican president.

“The whole art of war consists in a well-reasoned and extremely circumspect defensive, followed by rapid and audacious attack.”
— Karl Rove in 1986, quoting Napoleon Bonaparte in a strategy memo to his political client, William J. Clements Jr. Clements went on to win the race for Texas governor.

“‘Hello,’ he lied.”
— Don Carpenter, on the sincerity of Hollywood agents.

“Washington is filled with people making other people’s arguments for money. Anyone trying to do anything of good purpose is in a constant struggle to keep from drowning in the river of steaming bullshit served up by lobbyists and politicians and pundits and PR firms. They bend statistics, they do impressions of people who believe what they say, and all the while the country burns. And it is the height of arrogance to decry what’s happened to our politics when you are a bonded practitioner of what’s happened to our politics.
“You want to be a pitchman for warlords? You want to carry the Devil’s water in Washington? Go for it. But just don’t tell me how to fucking talk.”
— Jon Lovett, former Obama speechwriter, referring to a reprimand from lobbyist Lanny Davis, from The Atlantic.

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Cartoons: Randomized for May 29, 2012

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Today’s Music: Yusef Lateef, “Eboness”

The great multi-instrumentalist and influence on John Coltrane Yusef Lateef, nearly unknown outside of jazz circles, weaves his mellow spell on this tune.

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