Cartoons: In the Aftermath of the Wisconsin Recall

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Today’s Music: A Birthday Toast to Derek Trucks

‘New blues’ guitarist Derek Trucks was born today in 1979. Here’s a sample of his work:

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Weird Pix for June 7, 2012

1. A flying school that instills confidence!

2. Gee, what could that free “meal” consist of — Soylent Green, pehaps?

3. Maybe Wendy’s has the answer.

4. This sign must have been behind the local Teabagger congressman’s office:

5. A traditional country wedding. Too bad their gay son (left) forced them into divorce.

6. “Step up for the Magical Mystery Tour! If you hate accordion music, take another bus!”

7. “Everything is smothered in chocolate…”  does that include the furniture and employees?

Some of these pix were shot by David Allen of

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D-Day Plus One

What with the Wisconsin election news, I forgot to include any mention of the 68th anniversary of D-Day yesterday. I can’t honor the veterans of that battle and that war any better than Dwight Eisenhower did in the quote below. I just hope we find our way to the ‘eternal peace in the world’ they sacrificed their lives, blood and youth to ensure:

“Five years before he died, General Eisenhower (who was a conquering hero at war’s end and later served two terms as America’s president) came back to Colleville-sur-Mer. It was the first, and only, time he made that journey after the war. Looking over Omaha Beach, he spoke from his heart:

“‘. . . these men came here – British and our allies, and Americans – to storm these beaches for one purpose only, not to gain anything for ourselves, not to fulfill any ambitions that America had for conquest, but just to preserve freedom. . . . Many thousands of men have died for such ideals as these. . . but these young boys. . . were cut off in their prime. . . I devoutly hope that we will never again have to see such scenes as these. I think and hope, and pray, that humanity will have learned. . . we must find some way . . . to gain an eternal peace for this world. (Eisenhower: A Soldier’s Life, by Carlo D’Este, p. 705.)’

“Decades after D-Day, even though humanity seems farther than ever from finding “some way to gain an eternal peace for this world,” everyone can agree on at least one point. Those who fought, and died, to free Europe on that day altered the course of history.”
— Excerpted from the Awesome Stories entry on the Normandy Invasion.

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Scott Walker’s Next Recall

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Today’s Quotes: Political Imbeciles, Class Warfare and Bold Experimentation

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Today’s Music: Toasting Tal Farlow, Tom Jones, Dean Martin and Others…

Jazz guitar legend Tal Farlow, born today in 1921 (d. 1998), plays the hell out of “Misty”:

Thomas John Woodward, better known as singer Tom Jones, was born in Wales, UK, this day in 1940. Here’s his first of many hit records, “It’s Not Unusual”:

Whatever you think of pop-rocker Jones, the man has some pipes, as he displays here:

Pop singer, comedian and actor Dean Martin was born Dino Paul Crochetti today in 1917 (d. 1995).

Also born today were Townes Van Zandt in 1944; Jack Ryland of Three Dog Night in 1949, and Prince in 1958.

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New York Post: Walker Wins, Obama Resigning

Posted in 2012 Election, Cartoon, Christopublicans, Collagatorial, Conservatives, Corporations, Corruption, Democrats, Economy, Humor, Idiots, Obama, Politics, Republicans, Teabaggers, Wingnuts | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Cartoons: The GOP Bio-Hazard Lab of Oligarchic Democracy

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Wisconsinites, Welcome to Fitzwalkerstan

Although Scott Fitzgerald himself may not be there, since he was apparently defeated last night, Wisconsin will be living with the rancid GOP policies of the two ‘Scotties,’ Walker and his legislative pimp Fitzgerald, for the next two years.

Posted in 2012 Election, Cartoon, Christopublicans, Collagatorial, Conservatives, Corporations, Corruption, Economy, Humor, Idiots, Republicans, Teabaggers, Wingnuts | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments