Today’s Quotes: Out of Touch?

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Weird Pix for June 14, 2012

1. “And now, let me introduce the first honest Republican candidate for Congress in two generations…”

2. “Finding our super-secret intelligent installation is easy, just look for the…”

3. Don’t eat the fruit of this tree…

4. …it might turn out to be of this variety.

5. Warning to page editors: Always be careful when using letters reflected in water…

6. But if you do, these words might come in handy after the publisher has seen the printed edition.

Posted in Bizarre But Real, Humor, Idiots, Republicans, Uncategorized, Weird Photo, WTF? | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Video: Elizabeth Warren’s Ready for a Fight

Recorded June 4, 2012, and, unlike some in her party, she’s coming out swinging.

Her new campaign ad:

If you have a few dollars, donate to her campaign here. If she wins, you can one day say you donated to her campaign way back before she became our first woman president.

Posted in 1 Percent, 2012 Election, 99 Percent, Democrats, Economy, Politics, Progressives, Video | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Today’s Music: Rod Argent, Barry Melton

British rock keyboardist Rod Argent was born this day in 1945. As well as forming the pop group The Zombies in the early ’60s, he also founded Argent which had a hit with “Hold Your Head Up” in 1972. First up, The Zombies in 1964, followed by Argent.

Country Joe and the Fish co-founder and guitarist Barry Melton greeted the world in 1947.

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Reg Gabaet — Teabagger Congressman

Posted in 2012 Election, Cartoon, Christopublicans, Conservatives, Corporations, Corruption, Humor, Idiots, Republicans, Teabaggers, Wingnuts | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Signs o’ the Times for June 13.2012

Posted in Bizarre But Real, Corporations, Corruption, Economy, New Ideas, Progressives, Republicans, Teabaggers, Wingnuts | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

A Peek into the Future? In Arizona, Dem Ron Barber Defeats Teabagger Dunce Jesse Kelly

If this is any omen of the future, the GOP in Arizona may be looking at massive statewide losses in November.  (Let’s hope so.)  The Republican-run state has piled up crippling deficits for years and tried to privatize all public services to the point where they sold public buildings to pay off the debt that the state then leased back at a higher rate (!). (That’s right, the citizens of Arizona no longer own their state capitol building.)  Plus they are plagued by certifiable boneheads like Gov. Jan Brewer and Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. As well as being dogged by charges of corruption, Brewer has frittered away her time in office by blaming immigrants for the state’s ills caused by her party, and inventing lurid comic-book hallucinations of headless bodies in the desert, instead of addressing problems like an adult; Arpaio is a racist thug who thinks it’s funny to clothe his male prisoners in pink underwear and wastes taxpayer money searching for Obama’s ‘real’ place of birth. Have even Republicans in the Grand Canyon State finally had enough of the Teabagger madness? This easy victory by Barber in what was expected to be a very tight race, and the toppling of SB 1070-drafter Russell Pearce last year, would seem to suggest that’s true. After all, everything has just gotten worse since Brewer took office.

Democrat Ron Barber Retains Gabby Giffords’s Arizona Congressional Seat

Former Giffords aide Ron Barber beat his Tea Party opponent in an election that was far less close than predicted. Democrats said the victory is a good omen for Obama, but Republicans attributed it to sympathy for the wounded former congresswoman.

by Terry Greene Sterling
The Daily Beast
Jun 13, 2012

In a special Arizona election that garnered widespread national interest for its symbolic significance and potential impact on the presidential race, a 66-year-old Democrat recovering from gunshot wounds defeated a 30-year-old Tea Party Republican and former Marine who had served in Iraq.

Clenching the hand of his grinning former boss, Gabby Giffords, at a Tucson Marriott Hotel victory party, Ron Barber celebrated his defeat of Jesse Kelly in a special election for Giffords’s congressional seat. “This was never Gabby’s seat. It’s not my seat. It’s your seat. This seat belongs to the people of southern Arizona,” Barber said in his victory speech in Tucson.

Giffords vacated her House seat in January after struggling for a year to recover from a gunshot wound to the head, sustained in a massacre in front of a Tucson-area Safeway store in January 2011. Six people died in the shooting spree, allegedly perpetrated by a mentally disturbed Tucson man. Ron Barber, who now walks with a cane, was among the 13 people who were injured but survived the rampage. (Giffords cited her ongoing recovery as her reason for resigning her seat.)

Barber’s easy victory was a surprise in Arizona, where politicos expected a tight race. Arizona’s eighth congressional district has 414, 494 registered voters and leans slightly Republican. It spreads from pockets of metropolitan Tucson east to the New Mexico border and south to the Mexican line. It is composed mostly of Anglos, with a disproportionately small number of Latinos.

Read the rest here.

Posted in 2012 Election, Conservatives, Corporations, Economy, Idiots, Politics, Republicans, Teabaggers, Wingnuts | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Video: Ann Coulter Claims Radiation is Good for You

The same woman who resolutely rejects the science proving global warming and evolution, suddenly embraces this crackpot theory, curiously coinciding with a rise in radiation levels in the U.S. and Canada thanks to the Fukushima nuclear power plant meltdown in March of 2011. Ann wouldn’t be flacking for the nuclear power industry would she?

[UPDATE, AUG. 6, 2012: The post once occupying this space has been removed due to threats of legal action from Michael Collins of the Ventura County Reporter.]

Posted in 2012 Election, Bizarre But Real, Christopublicans, Conservatives, Corporations, Corruption, Global Politics, Idiots, Media, Republicans, Teabaggers, Video, Wingnuts, WTF? | Tagged , , , , | 8 Comments

Today’s Music: Doc Cheatham and Bobby Freeman

Jazz trumpet master Doc Cheatham was born today in 1905 (d. 1997). Some say, and he agreed, that he did his best work after the age of 70.

Rock singer Bobby Freeman was also born today in 1940. He’s best known for his 1958 pop hit “Do You Wanna Dance?”

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Mitt Romney for Dummies

Posted in 2012 Election, Cartoon, Christopublicans, Collagatorial, Conservatives, Corporations, Corruption, Economy, Humor, Idiots, Republicans, Romney, Teabaggers, Wall Street, Wingnuts | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments