Video: Even John McCain Admits Corporations Are Not People

Maybe he should tell the guy he endorsed, Mitt Uns Romney.

McCain Attacks Romney Super PAC, Says ‘Corporations Are Not People’

By Josh Israel
Think Progress
June 15, 2012

Though he has been one of Mitt Romney’s most visible supporters, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) took aim yesterday at both Romney’s Super PAC and one [of] Romney’s most controversial talking points. In an interview on PBS’s NewsHour, McCain told Judy Woodruff that because casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson makes a huge portion of his profits from a casino in Macau, his massive spending in support of Mitt Romney and other right-wing candidates is a form of foreign money influencing American elections:

WOODRUFF: This question of campaign money, highlighted today by the announcement that there’s a huge amount of money coming in from one donor in the state of Nevada.

MCCAIN: Mmmm hmmm. Mr. Adeleson, who gave large amounts of money to the Gingrich campaign and much of Mr. Adeleson’s casino profits, that go to him, come from this casino in Macau.

WOODRUFF: Which says what?

MCCAIN: This which says that obviously, maybe in a round-about way, foreign money is coming into an American campaign, political campaigns.

WOODRUFF: Because of the profits that the casinos in Macau…

MCCAIN: Yes, that is a great deal of money. And, again, we need a level playing field and we need to go back to the realization that Teddy Roosevelt had that we have to have a limit on the flow of money and that corporations are not people. That’s why we have different laws that govern corporations than govern individual citizens. And so to say that corporations are people, again, flies in the face of all the traditional Supreme Court decisions that we have made — that have been made in the past.

Romney, of course, said in August that “corporations are people, my friend,” a claim that he and his campaign surrogates have vigorously defended since.

Read the rest here.

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Today’s Music: Various Artists

No birthdays today, just some great guitar playing. First up, here’s Chet Atkins, Leo Kottke and Doc Watson jamming on “Last Steam Engine Train”

And the incredible Tommy Emmanuel, raving it up on “Guitar Boogie” with an acoustic:

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Video: President Obama Announces Gov’t Will Stop Deporting Some Young Immigrants

Even though some may think this is a cynical political move in an election year (strange calculation, since Obama already had the Hispanic vote sewn up), you can gauge by the scalded-cat reaction of the Usual Suspects on the Right that this is a major step forward in immigration policy, relieving the suffering of nearly a million Americans, and I think it will become every bit as important to the progress of those of Hispanic ancestry as the civil rights legislation of the 1960s was to the black victims of racist segregation. Ironically, just as white Southerner Bill Clinton was called by some our first black president, Barack Obama, with his heritage of a black father and white mother, might very well turn out to be our first Hispanic president.

via President Obama Delivers Remarks on Immigration

Here’s a sampling of the MSM reaction:

Obama administration to stop deporting some young illegal immigrants
By Tom Cohen, CNN
Fri June 15, 2012

President Obama’s Immigration Shift Could Bolster Latino Support In November
By Cory Dade and Liz Halloran, NPR
June 15, 2012

And, of course, what would a major step forward for America be without an oaf from the right trying to impede it; in this case, a ‘reporter’ from Tucker Carlson’s online compost heap, The Daily Caller:

Obama explains new immigration plan, while heckled by reporter in Rose Garden

By Liz Goodwin | The Ticket
June 15, 2012

Even Fox News reacted sourly to the Daily Caller heckler.

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Today’s (Bonus) Music: Nancy Griffith & Julie Gold, “From a Distance”

Despite the religious overtones, the sentiment fits nicely with Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell’s quote below. The song was written by Julie Gold.

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Today’s Quotes: Google This

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Cartoons at Random for June 15, 2012

Posted in 1 Percent, 2012 Election, 99 Percent, Cartoon, Conservatives, Corporations, Corruption, Democrats, Economy, Humor, Idiots, Politics, Republicans, Romney, Teabaggers, Wingnuts | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Video: Gretchen Carlson, Feminist?

Even Fox News apparatchik Gretchen Carlson is tired of the GOP war on women:

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Video: Elizabeth Warren on Hardball

The full interview. Too bad cheesemeister Tweety Bird is the interviewer, but his goofball bobbling and copious spraying can be ignored. (Excuse the ad.)

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

If you have a few dollars, donate to her campaign here.

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Today’s Music: Erroll Garner, Waylon Jennings, Harry Nilsson

Jazz keyboardist Erroll Garner was born today in 1921 (d. 1977). Here he plays his most famous composition “Misty”:

Former Buddy Holly bass player, Nashville Cat, country-rock icon and, with Willie Nelson, one of the original ‘Outlaws,’ Waylon Jennings greeted this mean ol’ world in 1937 (d. 2002).

And from the first Farm Aid Concert in 1985:

Folk-rock singer/songwriter Harry Nilsson was born in 1941 (d. 1994). Here’s the theme song he sang for the film “Midnight Cowboy”:

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Gaffe-A-Minute Mitt

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