Cartoons: Over a Decade of Tax Cuts — Where ARE the F#cking Jobs?

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Today’s Quotes: Great Wealth, Democracy and Treason

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The GOP Plan for Our Future?

1. This is what the Republican-run House, and GOP-dominated state legislatures around the country, have been working on:

2. It’s true, not one jobs bill out of the GOP House. Moreover, they oppose any attempt by President Obama to create jobs because they don’t want the economy to get better. Intentionally working against improving the lives of Americans for political gain? That sounds like treason to me.

3. If Romney worms his way into the presidency, this is the Paul Ryan economic plan he’s endorsed that raises taxes on the middle-class while cutting them for the wealthy.

4. Just for the sake of comparison, here’s what tax rates on the top tax bracket used to be:

5. Meanwhile, the Republicans, all in a tizzy over the deficit, still managed to allot $8 billion more to defense spending than the military requested, including a missile defense battery on the US East Coast that the Pentagon has said is unnecessary.

6. Finally, here’s what most Americans think the distribution of wealth is in this country, as opposed to the depressing reality.  Really, the rich need more tax cuts?

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Video: Ron Paul’s On Social Security Even Though He Hates It

He earns about $200K a year as a Congressman, along with other perks, so he could afford to forego SS, but he’s a Republican — they never refuse money or, apparently, a chance at rank hypocrisy.

Here, Pat Garofalo at Think progress adds some details:

GOP Rep. Ron Paul Admits He Takes Social Security, Which He Once Likened To Slavery

By Pat Garofalo
Think Progress
Jun 20, 2012

Texas Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), a libertarian hero, last year said that allowing Social Security to exist is akin to permitting slavery. But during an appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe today, Paul admitted to the Huffington Post’s Sam Stein that he collects Social Security checks anyway:

STEIN: A bit of a personal question then, are you on Social Security? Do you get Social Security checks?

PAUL: I do.

STEIN: Well, I mean, is there — you just told younger generations that they should ween themselves off this social contract.

PAUL: That is true.

STEIN: But you haven’t done it yourself…Don’t you think you chould have set a good example for the future generations. You’re not the wealthiest man in congress, I know that, but you have enough means to take care of yourself in retirement…Couldn’t you have set an example?

PAUL: No. I think the programs are so designed, just as I use the post office too, I use government highways, I do that too, I use the banks, the federal reserve system, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t work to remove this in the same way on Social Security.

Paul is, of course, not the only conservative to benefit from government programs that he or she opposes. But his crankish view of the Constitution has brought him to the conclusion that Social Security is altogether unconstitutional, which also hasn’t stopped him from collecting benefits.

Copyright 2012 Pat Garofalo, Think Progress.

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Today’s Music: Ray Davies, O.C. Smith

Founder of The Kinks, singer and songwriter Ray Davies was born today in 1944. For anyone who cares to chart the history of power-chord, heavy metal rock music, it really started with the two Kinks tunes below. When they first shook the speakers of AM radios across America in 1964, they augured in something new and raw in rock, much more urgent and visceral than the music of The Beatles or even The Rolling Stones at the time. The Kinks didn’t ‘wanna hold your hand,’ they were going after something else entirely.

And here’s Ray in 2008 doing his groundbreaking composition “Lola” which was a daring take on transvestism when first released in 1970.

‘Soft soul’ singer O.C. Smith made his appearance in this world in 1932 (d. 2001). Here’s his most famous recording, released in 1968, a staple of Easy Listening radio formats for many years to come.

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Mitt Interrupted

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Video: Save the Troy Library: “Adventures In Reverse Psychology”

More progressives should replicate the innovative success of the Troy Library instead of ‘cooperating’ with the dumbed-down conservative framing of issues.

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Today’s Quotes: Public Lying

“Those who are capable of tyranny are capable of perjury to sustain it.”
― Lysander Spooner

“But you can’t make people listen. They have to come round in their own time, wondering what happened and why the world blew up around them.”
― Ray Bradbury, “Fahrenheit 451”

“Things come apart so easily when they have been held together with lies.”
― Dorothy Allison, “Bastard Out of Carolina.”

“There is nothing in the world more shameful than establishing oneself on lies and fables.”
— Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

“That’s not a lie, it’s a terminological inexactitude. Also, a tactical misrepresentation.”
— Reagan Sec’y of State and former US Army Gen. Alexander Haig

“There is beauty in truth, even if it’s painful. Those who lie, twist life so that it looks tasty to the lazy, brilliant to the ignorant, and powerful to the weak. But lies only strengthen our defects. They don’t teach anything, help anything, fix anything or cure anything. Nor do they develop one’s character, one’s mind, one’s heart or one’s soul.”
José N. Harris

“The lie is a knife used to kill the truth in its path; but never doubt that the liar’s blade will eventually be on his own neck, placed there by his own hand.”

“Half the lies they tell about me aren’t true.”
Yogi Berra

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Obama By the Numbers

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Today’s Music: Chet Atkins, Brian Wilson

Guitar genius Chet Atkins was born today in 1924 (d. 2001). Here he is playing “Mr. Sandman” back in 1954:

‘Mr. Guitar’ has “Dizzy Fingers” in 1975:

And Chet live with Mark Knopfler in 1987:

Another genius, former-Beach Boy Brian Wilson, is no longer a boy at 70, born today in 1942.

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