Happy Birthday, President Obama

President Obama was born yesterday, August 4, 1961, in Hawaii which, despite the claims of some of our friends on the right, was a US state at the time and not a part of Kenya. A brief montage on Obama:

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Today’s Music: Louis Armstrong, Rick Huxley

Jazz trumpet genius Louis “Satchmo” Armstrong was born August 4th in 1901.  By the time of his death in 1971, ‘Pops’ not only influenced jazz music, but other genres, as well.

Today, August 5th, Dave Clark Five bassist Rick Huxley was born in 1942. Although nearly forgotten today, at their peak in the early years of the British Invasion, the DC5 challenged The Beatles at the top of the pop charts.

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Today’s Quotes: Mohandas Gandhi, Tom Paine, Andy Borowitz

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Signs o’ the Times: Variable Variations

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Weird Pix for Aug. 3, 2012

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Cartoons of the Weird for Aug. 3, 2012

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Today’s Music: Tony Bennett

Sublime jazz vocalist, multi-generational pop star and accomplished painter Tony Bennett was born today (but not in San Francisco) in 1926. Last I checked, the durable 86-year-old was still singing and putting on an impressive show.

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Mitt-fil-A — Is He Done Yet?

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Romney’s Economic Plan Would Raise Taxes on 95 Percent of Americans

According to a study by the Tax Policy Center published in the conservative Wall Street Journal yesterday, Mitt Romney’s tax plan, no matter how you slice it, will raise taxes on the lower 95 percent of Americans to pay for tax cuts for the top 5 percent, AKA the Romney family and their friends and campaign donors. It’s stunning both how idiotic and audacious is this plan for raw plutocracy and, since it’s repeating the mistakes of the Bush years, how anyone could possibly be deluded into thinking it would improve our economy.

Study: Romney’s Tax Plan Hits Middle Class

By John D. McKinnon
The Wall Street Journal
August 1, 2012

A new study released Wednesday suggests that Mitt Romney‘s tax plan would benefit the rich and hurt the poor and middle class, no matter how current blanks in the plan are filled in.

Mr. Romney’s ambitious plan would extend current Bush-era tax rates, plus cut rates another 20 percent, eliminate investment taxes altogether for households making under $200,000, and abolish the dreaded alternative minimum tax. But it provides few details about what tax breaks would be pared to offset the budget hit.

The study basically concludes that eliminating tax breaks to offset the impact of Mr. Romney’s rate cuts would inevitably hurt the middle class. It was done by scholars working with the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center, including a former Obama administration economist.

Even assuming that tax breaks such as the charitable and mortgage interest deductions are eliminated for the wealthy first, and only then reduced as needed for other income groups, “the net effect of the plan would be a tax cut for high-income households coupled with a tax increase for middle-income households,”

Read the rest here.

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Romney’s Simp Factor

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