Even Without the OWS, the Wall Street Banks Are Failing

Not to take anything away from David Weidner’s fine reporting but, to boil it down, it comes to this: Wall Street has run out of suckers to buy their bad paper and the small fry and institutional investors are nearly gone from the markets — part of what happens when your middle-class is in decline and no longer has any money to invest. Of course, the ‘Masters of the Universe’ can’t run games on each other, so who’s left to buy the mountains of bad paper that the Big Banks have accumulated? Nobody, not even befuddled Europeans or bewitched Asians. If the US gov’t doesn’t step in, it’s ‘goodnight, Irene’ and, soon, the OWS Movement will have nothing worth occupying in that Manhattan neighborhood — some of the banksters might very well be sleeping in Zuccotti Park along with them. Also note, thanks to the aggressive marketing of gold, that the price is starting to tank.

Why the big Wall Street banks are hurting

The 1% is worried, and not because of Occupy Wall Street. A lack of easy money to inflate a new bubble has brokers and big banks — including B of A and Goldman Sachs — losing money and doing layoffs.
By MSN Money partner on Tue, Nov 15, 2011 1:30 PM
By David Weidner for MarketWatch

The 1% is worried.

It’s not the protesters drumming in Zuccotti Park or the chants of “shame” keeping them up at night at their Manhattan homes. It’s a business model built to churn out easy money in a bubble that’s sounding an alarm.

Wall Street is struggling with market forces that keep dragging its bubble machine back to the ground.

Oh, the banks have tried. On the retail front, Bank of America (BAC 0.00%) said it would slap a $5 monthly fee on its debit card users. On the institutional front, MF Global ramped up leverage to buy risky European sovereign debt.

But B. of A. was beaten back by a consumer revolt and an industry rebellion. And MF Global chief executive Jon Corzine found out the hard way that leverage is still every bit as risky as it was in 2008.

Without easy money, Wall Street’s apparatus for mining easy cash have gone quiet. Goldman Sachs Group (GS 0.00%) lost money trading 21 days during the most recent quarter, the most since 2008. The firm even owned up to $100 million in losses on a single day.

Much of this is due to the evaporation of the huge spreads in fixed income that traders generally take advantage of. Treasurys and corporate and municipal bond spreads have narrowed to a sliver. This has hurt the so-called shadow bankers as well. Witness the 5.5% decline for the Hedge Fund Research Index in the third quarter.

Not even gold (GLD 0.00%) has been gold since September, it’s off 5%.

Read the rest here.

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Keith Olbermann Takes Down Billionaire NYC Mayor Bloomberg

Olbermann’s right — the OWS Movement has no better friend than dimbulb pols like Colonial Governor of the One Percent Michael Bloomberg and his ilk, constantly resorting to violence as they panic over the rapidly spreading popularity of OWS, thereby helping to spread the popularity of OWS. (Bloomberg should read a good history of the protests of the ’60s and ’70s.) From Current TV’s “Coundown with Keith Olbermann,” Wed., Nov. 16th edition:

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The GOP’s Major Problems Illustrated





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Music: Bill Haley & His Comets, Plus the First Rock Tune

Never heard of Bill Haley & His Comets? Go back to sleep, Mr. Magoo. This track, “Goofin’ Around” from 1956, features some nice guitar work by Franny Beecher on the black Les Paul I’ve heard he still has today.

And, just for fun, what’s called the first rock ‘n’ roll song (although that’s disputed), 1951’s “Rocket 88” by Jackie Brenston backed by Ike Turner’s Rhythm Kings band.

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What is Twirling Around in Herman Cain’s Head?

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Today’s Quote: Mark Twain on Who Runs the World

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Romney Might As Well Try This

For anyone who has sat through a Mitt Romney speech and stayed awake, my sympathies — you know what hell is. You also know why he perpetually hovers at around 25% in the GOP pack. In the video below, the work of BadLipReading.com, Romney actually makes more sense than he usually does in his public pronouncements, which are all flip-flops or denials of flip-flopping anyway. Lately he’s been grabbing his crotch and promising a war with Iran — unfortunately, no video exists of Mitt goosing his warhawk gonads, which would be hilarious to see. In the meantime, enjoy this:

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Cain’s Last Strawman

The bizarre presidential campaign — or droll performance art project, according to Rachel Maddow — of Herman Cain has now approached the point where no one but the most addled of the addled GOP Base and their aides-de-‘camp’ in the Big Media can any longer take him seriously. As Ali Gharib at Think Progress noted on Oct. 31st in “Herman Cain Compares U.S. Foreign Policy To Making Pizza”:

“After a series of embarrassing foreign policy gaffes, GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain roared back last week that he has indeed become a foreign policy expert because he’s been ‘consulting with a number of experts to get up to speed.’

That was two weeks ago and it’s obvious Cain wasn’t listening to his ‘experts’ as he wincingly vamps his way through this answer on Libya:

So, Cain says he doesn’t know emough to complain about Obama’s actions in Libya, but does so anyway. This is what’s known in the trade as total bullshit.








Already what there is of the Cain campaign staff, mostly employees of the various Koch brothers political front groups, are excusing Cain’s pathetic performance in the video above as due to a lack of sleep. When does the man take personal responsibility for his actions, without excuses, as he advised the OWS protestors to do? With his poll numbers declining, mostly the result of sexual harassment allegations, the Not-Ready-For-Primetime Herman Show is about to hit bottom, where it belongs.

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The GOP’s ‘Cut Taxes For the Rich and Deregulate to Create Jobs’ Meme is Insane …

… and even former Bush speechwriter David Frum knows it.

“This is not a moment for government to be cutting back. … Right now we’re watching state governments try to balance all of their budgets at the same time in the middle of this crisis. We’ve seen half a million public sector jobs disappear. Now, if these were good times, I would applaud that. We need to see a thinner public sector — especially at the state and local level. But we’re seeing what happens when you do that as an anti-recession measure and you make the recession worse. And even though we’re in a technical recovery, incomes and employment — all of that remains lagging for people — I think that we’ve rediscovered in this crisis something that I think we all knew. Which is, there’s a reason why the people of the 1930s built some kind of minimum guarantee — unemployment insurance, health care coverage and things like that. And it’s not because they wanted to be nice. It’s because in a crisis when people lose their jobs, if there is no social safety net they loose 100 percent of their purchasing power.”
— David Frum, as quoted by Robert Reich in “The Triumph of Dogma, and a Sad Goodbye to David Frum,” L.A. Progressive, Nov. 14, 2011.

Regulations, taxes aren’t killing small business, owners say
By Kevin G. Hall | McClatchy Newspapers

WASHINGTON — Politicians and business groups often blame excessive regulation and fear of higher taxes for tepid hiring in the economy. However, little evidence of that emerged when McClatchy canvassed a random sample of small business owners across the nation.

Read the rest here.

The GOP and Their Job Creators Personify Einstein’s Definition Of Insanity
By Rmuse
September 10, 2011

… On Thursday, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell cited Albert Einstein’s definition of insanity and whether he knew it or not, the Kentucky Republican described the GOP’s behavior over the last ten years. McConnell was speaking about the White House plans to jump start job creation and as usual, he proffered the same lame diatribe Republicans have parroted for over two years. Ironically, his speech was titled, “We can’t afford to make the same mistake twice.” Indeed.

McConnell said that Albert Einstein’s definition of insanity is, “to do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result,” and although McConnell was referring to President Obama’s job creation and stimulus spending plan, he inadvertently described the Republicans’ narrative of cut corporate taxes, eliminate regulations, and cut spending and the deficit. […]

There are several reasons to take issue with Mitch McConnell’s statements, but first it is important to revisit Einstein’s definition of insanity. McConnell mentioned doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results as being insane. Republicans are still arguing that Obama has regulated and taxed “job creators” to the point they are not hiring new employees. During Bush’s presidency, Republican majorities began their tax cuts and deregulation agenda in 2001, and for the next eight years, barely a million jobs were created and the nation’s debt skyrocketed. Republicans deregulated the financial industry and caused a world-wide economic meltdown that still affects every country on Earth, and the wealthy’s tax cuts are adding to America’s deficit. Republicans began preaching a return to Bush-Republican economic policies as soon as President Obama took office because they claimed tax cuts and deregulation were necessary to give job creators the tools they need to help the economy. According to Einstein’s definition, McConnell and Republicans are the epitome of insanity for attempting to repeat their failed economic policies they know will not create jobs. McConnell is insane.

Read the rest here.

“The idea that the lower the tax rates are, the better everything will be has been debunked now for 30 years both in positive terms when I was president, and in negative terms by quadrupling the debt once and then doubling it again. So … how many times do we have to see this movie before we know how it ends?”
— President Bill Clinton, May, 2011.

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Today’s Quotes: John Maynard Keynes and Chuck Palahniuk

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